

The group stepped out of the temple and were immediately surrounded by a thick Miasma. Link looked around and said, “What happened? What's with this fog?” Shadow shook his head. “This isn't for. This is what's left of both our worlds. The entire city is covered thick in this mist. In my world, we call it the Reaper's breath. It's lethal to breathe without a fairy nearby.” Link looked around and couldn't see a single person in the thick mist. “Where is everyone?” he asked in a distant voice. Saria and Sheik looked around the area, trying to find someone, anyone, still alive.”

Shadow sighed. “This mist is not only lethal, but it's also corrosive. You wont find anyone within the city walls. They are completely gone.” Link shook his head, stammering, “No! It can't be! Everyone, gone? I can't believe that!” His darker self gave him a sharp blow to the head, yelling, “Snap out of it! I watched this happen to my people as well!” Then in a silent tone, he muttered, “And even though this is your world, it doesn't change a thing. No one should have to experience this, especially my eternal rival.”

Saria called from far into the mist, “Link! And... well... Link!Over here!” The pair ran in the direction of her voice and came to a stop beside her. On the ground were the remains of a strange creature unlike any the group had ever seen. Shadow said, “A Worg, or what's left of one. Looks like the creatures that live in this mist found it before it could escape. This close to the city border, it could have stood a chance.”

Sheik caught up to the group and said, “No sign of the people. Just some scrap cloths and corroded armor. What happened to everyone?” Shadow shook his head. “They're dead, and they'll remain that way until the mist is lifted.” Link looked at him and asked, “Lifted? You mean that this can be reversed?” The dark elf nodded. “Yeah. But it has to be done in a sequence there are three Goddess statues in this world and mine. We have to pass a trial for each one in sequence in both worlds then move onto the next one. But I'm not sure what the sequence is.”

After a moment of thought, Link said, “Why don't we ask the Great Deku Tree? He knows everything.” Saria swatted him in the head, saying, “And you expect us to bring this guy along? Last thing we want is to offend him.” Sheik casually noted, “Well, since the Great Deku Tree knows everything, He'd know this was going to  happen. He'd be expecting all four of us, Shadow included.” Shadow looked a little confused. Link smiled and said, “Well, what are we waiting for? We don't want to keep Him waiting.” Shadow sighed. In case no one noticed, time is short and we don't have any horses.”

Saria smiled and said, “Just leave that to me.” The tone of her voice made it seem like she had been waiting for someone to say that comment for a fairly long time. Link groaned. “Great one, pal. Now she's going to brag about this for the entire trip.” They followed her to the city limits where the mist dissipated. She picked up a piece of grass and blew an enchanting melody through it. Shortly, several horses were seen up field heading towards them. Shadow stood there and said, “Wow. That's impressive.”
“Thanks!” Saria chirped. “I'm glad you like it.”

When the horses arrived, Link walked over to one of them and said, “Hey, Epona. Sorry about this, But I need your speed now for something very important.” The horse he spoke to whinnied and nodded. Sheik climbed onto a Palomino equine and Saria onto a pure white Mare. Shadow saw a horse that was pure black and visibly irritable. He walked over to it and spoke an unknown language into the Equine's ear. It settled down and he mounted it. Saria looked at him blankly and said, “Speaking of Impressive...”

Shadow shrugged and pulled out an apple, saying, “Everyone has a price.” He tossed the apple to the ground and the horse ate it. Sheik groaned. “You bribed a horse?!?” The dark elf chuckled. “Whatever works. Now let's get to that tree you were talking about. By tomorrow, he mist will have increased in size, and in a week, it'll have spread over three miles. The four of them turned their mounts to the east and rode hard. After a while of riding, They came to a stop. Looking ahead, they saw hideous creatures blocking the way.

Shadow muttered, “Great. They already made it this far. We'll have to go through them.” The two Links drew their blades and stood there as the monsters noticed their presence. Turning to his lighter half, the warrior said, “Think you can handle this?” Link tightened his grip on the sword and smiled. “Can you?” The dark elf let out a smile of approval and prompted his mount towards the creatures. Link followed closely behind. As they got close, Shadow raised his blade into a striking position and entered the swarm swinging. Link followed suit and they slashed at the monstrosities.

Before long, the creatures lay defeated  on the ground. The dark elf looked uneasy. “Something's wrong. They should have put up a better fight.” Link suddenly yelled, “Look Out!!!” Shadow turned just in time to get hit by a powerful blow from one of the supposedly dead creatures. Link quickly turned and blocked an attack from behind and was knocked clean off Epona. He got to his feet and stood back to back with his darker half. “I thought we killed these things.” the elf muttered. Shadow shook his head dizzily. “Maybe they just need a reminder.” The two of them readied themselves for the battle.

At that moment, one of the creatures flew into a small cluster, sending the lot flying to the side. Sheik let out an impish grin. “I think I like these boots already.” They turned and saw Saria spinning her spear, striking the creatures down as she reached their side. “Well, this looks bad. What are these things?” Shadow shook his head. “I don't know. They're not from my world, and they don't look like something from this one either.”
“Mist Phantoms.” they turned to him. “Mist phantoms. We need to kill them as quickly as possible, or things are going to get really ugly, really fast, but we have to kill the queen first.”

Sheik smiled. “Like they aren't ugly enough already. What's the queen look link, Link?”
“I don't know, so let's just kill them until we find it.”The four elves readied their weapons and prepared to take on the enemies. At that moment the ground shook violently as a massive Mist Phantom came around the bluffs on the right. Shadow muttered, “There she is, and she looks pissed.  Link looked at the massive monstrosity and said, “Uh, guys? I think we're going to need a bigger sword.”

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