

The group walked several miles, trying to figure out where they were going. Saria turned to Sheik and said, “Lets look at the map! That should tell us where to go.” Sheik shook his head. “I lost it. Besides, it was only good for inside Death Mountain in our world. This is a completely different plane of existence.” Link snapped his fingers and beamed, “The compass! That will tell us where to go.”
“Lost that too.” The group turned to him angrily. “You What?” the all yelled. Sheik raised his hands casually and said, “It happened while fighting the Basilisk. You can't really blame me for that. I think it broke.”

The four adventurers sighed. “Well,” muttered Shadow, “It could be worse. Still we need to figure out a plan of action.” Pointing down the road, Sheik said, “Maybe they have a map shop in that village.” The others nodded in agreement, though wondering about the rather sudden, inexplicably convenient appearance of the destination. Flint said in a cold shudder, “I don't think that's a good idea.” The group turned to the fairy confused. To explain, she said, “The village wasn't there a minute ago. It just appeared out of nowhere.”

Link smiled and said, “Well, either way, we need fresh supplies. The ones we were given didn't travel here with us.” With that, he headed towards their latest destination. Saria smiled. “Who knows, Maybe they have an inn with decently priced rooms. I'd like to sleep in a bed for a switch.” Sheik, remaining silent, turned to Shadow with a look of concern. He felt just as uneasy as the dark elf did about this, but knew he couldn't change their minds.

Knowing it would be futile to argue, the two ill eased warriors went after the others. When they reached the Village, Strange shadowy creatures walked the streets. Link said, quietly, “Phantoms.” Shadow nodded. “They don't seem to notice us. We'd better not attract any attention.” after a moment, Sheik asked, “Where's Saria?” Looking around, they saw her standing net to one of the creatures as it roared a horrid screeching sound.

Saria smiled and said, “Thank you,” and headed back to the others. “There's a shop around the next corner.” The others looked at her baffled. “What?” Disregarding the fact that somehow she was able to communicate with the beasts, they headed down the street and turned a corner, leading directly to one of the shops. “I see it,” Shadow mused, “But I still don't believe it.” Saria smiled and said, “The creature said a Map maker moved in here not that long ago. We should find a map without any trouble in this place.

Entering the store, they could only see the top of the shop owner's pointed hat. Link said, “Excuse me. I hear you sell maps here?” A strangely familiar voice replied, “Hmm? Did someone say they're looking for a map?” Now remembering the voice, the group groaned, “Oh, No!” The creature called Tingle jumped onto the counter and said, “You'll find plenty of maps here!” Looking at the group, he quickly ducked behind the counter in fear, all five of them yelling, “Not you AGAIN!!!”

Saria stormed over to the counter, slamming her hands down on it, yelling, “You'd better be scared, you little gnome! What was the big idea selling us a BLANK MAP for so many Rupees?!? Come out here so I can thank you PROPERLY!!!” Tingle, in a frightened voice, replied, “Don't be so harsh! The do it yourself map version 2.0 is very popular!”

“Not when you're lost, it isn't!!!” The others tried to pull her back from the fearful cheat. “Perhaps we can come to a deal, yes? A new map, perhaps?” Link looked at him and said, “Free?” Tingle shook his head. “Oh, no, no, no. That would be bad business.” The three warriors let go of the enraged female, saying, “Sick 'em.” Tingle let out a loud, almost girlish scream as he ducked behind a pile of crates.

“Okay, okay! One free map! ONE! Just call her off! PLEASE!!!” Shadow smiled and said, “Saria, Heel.” Saria walked back to the group, giving the con artist a glare that put the fear of death in him. He shuffled through papers, saying “You know, I don't normally replace maps that disappear.” The group looked at him confused.

Noticing the expressions, he said, “Oh, you didn't know? Maps are only good in the area you find them. If you leave the area, Poof, no more map. Same thing goes for other items that help you get around, like Compasses, keys and warp tiles.” The group looked at him a moment before Link asked, “What's a warp tile?” Tingle smiled and said, “Oh. They're nasty little things. You step on one of those and poof. You wind up here or in the Golden Land. Once you warp, the tile disappears from under you, but not on the other side. To get back, you'll need to find another port tile.”

Sheik smiled. “So it's like a Warp Zone!” Tingle smiled. “No, no, no. That's a completely different kingdom all together, and it's been copyrighted. You'll only find warp Tiles in these lands. However, I'd suggest you keep clear of those.” Putting two maps in front of them, He said, “Here you are. That will be five hundred Rupees.” The group gave him a cross look. In defense, Tingle said, “It's just good business. Both these maps normally sell for five times that each. Plus, they're enchanted to stay with you if you switch worlds again. Very hard to come by.”

Looking at the two maps, Link said, “He's right. There seems do be a binding charm written on it. They're maps of both worlds. We're going to need these.” Shadow handed the rupees and said “What about a compass?” Tingle shook his head. “Sorry. I don't sell those.” Sheik sighed. “Great. How are we going to find our way around now? There's no sun or stars.” Tingle burst out laughing. The group turned to him and he said cheerily, “It's the middle of the night with a storm approaching. Of course there's no sun or stars. I'd suggest, however, that you find shelter. It's going to be rough come morning.”

Link shook his head and replied, “Rest is something we can't afford right now. Thanks for the maps.” As they walked out, Tingle said, “I'm sure we'll meet again. We have to. After all,” he tossed the Rupee pouch and caught it in his hand and said, “You forgot your change.”

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