Sonic stood in the temple and sighed. “Okay. I’m guessing that I’m here because the book is finished. Time to answer those questions.”

Sure. What do you have?

“Well, first off, Who is this Eggman Nega guy thingy? He looks like Eggman to me.”

Eggman Nega? Okay. Let’s check Wikipedia on this one. Eggman Nega was a villain in Sonic rush to fight Blaze the cat. In the story, you killed her when you were possessed by the power of Nazo. In the standing storylines, however, Blaze is very much alive. Eggman Nega looks exactly like Eggman, but his personality is heartless and calculating. He is also well mannered and it shows in his speech. Since there wasn’t a lot of data on this character, I had to do a little ad-lib to create a villain I never encountered.

“You certainly do a lot of this on-the-fly stuff, don’t you?”

Whatever works. We all know where the Eggman part falls into the equation. The Nega part of his name is a play on the word Negative. So, there we have the full name Eggman Nega.

“Right. Next question is if Amy can summon hammers and stuff, why did that knife from the sky thing knock her out?”

Ever heard the term, “Don’t overwork yourself”? Amy can only do basic spells at this point in her arcane evolution. The blade attack that turned the Capital Ship in the Egg Fleet into the world’s largest pincushion was a spell that required more energy than she had at that point. A problem in releasing that much energy is that it takes all the power from Chaos, but it also draws power from wherever else it can. This includes a person’s life force and tends to prove fatal.

“I thought a thinking cramp was bad.”

Same concept, but more dangerous. Next question.

“I’m sure everyone wants to know this one. Shadow’s guns. Where the hell is he getting them from?”

Well, in the games, shadow doesn’t wear clothes to hide the pistol that he is famous for in some story arks. I figured to play with that a little. My best answer is that it is stored the way you hide your sword. The Chaos Sword is hidden in a aura field of pure energy. I figure since chaos can use a single Chaos Emerald to dray power from, he can also use that energy to hide weapons.

“He doesn’t have the emerald, remember?”

Neither do you, but you can still use the energy to make the sword. Like I said. Same concept. He is your double, after all.

“Yeah. Don’t remind me. Did you have to make him so creepy?”

No, but I kept his personality the same as Team Sonic created for him. Not really sunshine and lollipops, you know?

“Some character designer had issues.”

Hey! Stay focused!

“Sorry. What is the Egg Fleet, and why did they attack Delta City?”

In the newer games in the Sonic series, Eggman wants to create a utopia, but tries to do that with force, using the Egg Fleet to force it on the world. The fleet is advanced warships manned by his mechanical army. In the original cartoons from the 80’s, he believed in mechanical superiority. I mixed the two into one in this segment. Eggman Nega tried to use the Egg Fleet to destroy the human race. Delta city was one of the cities that were barraged.

“Okay. Now, why don’t you tell me why you decided to give Tails a military contract? He’s a teenager!”

He’s a teenager who makes combat weapons in his free time. You never wondered why he did that? Be glad he had the contract, otherwise you would never have gotten onto the capital ship. Anyway, a super genius like Tails needs a super cool job. Since he doesn’t hack computers, and spends a lot of time making things, why not? Military research does have a pretty big budget to throw around.

“Good point.”
Okay. Two more questions, then the book’s finished.

“Gotcha. First, why did Eggman Nega steal energy from the Master Emerald. I mean, yeah, the island was saved when we stopped the drain, but why drain it at all?”

The Master Emerald holds a lot of power, and it takes a lot of power to operate a large fleet with an army of machines. If he drained the Master Emerald, he would have all the power he needed and then some. He was also being influenced by Nazo in order to test the abilities of the heroes. Even a minor thing can tell you a lot about a person, so Nazo intends to study as much as he can.

“Oh. Okay. Last Question. There’s no way we could have destroyed all those robots when the fleet crashed. What happened to them?”

Well, Eggman Nega survived the blow you gave him, and I do need ideas for the sequel. But you have a point. Who knows. Maybe Nazo is preparing a couple of tricks. I need to think on that one.

“In other words, very likely that’s how it’s going to be.”

“I’m still thinking on it. We’ll all find out in the conclusion. Later!

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